
Visual basic ide
Visual basic ide

Run Time Design time When you’re building your program Think in real-world concepts Objects have Properties/attributes (nouns) Actions/events (verbs) Akin to a "record" on steroids!  Groups data and procedural abstraction together Provides for encapsulation & information hidingīasic and Pseudocode run from top to bottom Main program/algorithm in control Event-driven programs respond to events Usually graphical (forms, buttons, controls) Instructions are executed in response to events Button press, control change, form close, etc.ħ Anatomy of a VB Program User clicks on the cmdBorder buttonįorm Controls User clicks on the cmdBorder button A Click() event is generated The cmdBorder_Click() method is executedĪlgorithm CalcAges // create the 4 age variables Age1, Age2, Age3, Age4 isoftype Num // prompt the user and then read in the // numbers print("Please enter 4 ages") read(Age1, Age2, Age3, Age4) // I need a place to store the average avg isoftype Num // calc the average avg <- (Age1 + Age2 + Age3 + Age4) / 4 // display it back to the user print("The average age is ", avg) endalgorithmĭesign Create the User Interface (UI) Set form and control properties Code event handlers Save and test/debug your program often! Create executable file Create setup program (for deployment on other computers)ġ1 Design vs. MyAge, YourGrade, and ThisTest were declared on the previous slides - must be declared first to use themģ Basic 10 sum = 0 20 FOR i = 1 to 100 30 sum = sum + i 40 NEXT iĥ0 avg = sum / 100 60 PRINT "The average is " avg 70 ENDĤ RAD Rapid Application Development Easily develop interface prototypesĪccelerates delivery of system Better user feedback and testing WYSISYG development.

visual basic ide

1 Introduction to Visual Basic and the VB IDEĢ Motivation We'd like to be able to write programs that will run on Windows We'd like to use Rapid Application Development methods We’re interested in developing object-oriented, event-driven applications

Visual basic ide